What is PPD (Pay Per Download) ?
Pay-per-download (PPD) is a great way to earn money from your own files. You can monetize from any of your digital content like apps, videos, songs, software, photos, drawings, documents and others. You have to upload your files and share the links. When anyone will download files through your link, you will earn money.
Here we have listed best PPD sites, you can join and start earning now.
File-Upload |
- FileUpload pays up to $7 per 1000 downloads depend on downloader location.
- Earn money from your files! (videos, songs, software, photos, drawings, articles and others).
- Uploading service up to 10GB for each file.
- FileUpload counts downloads from file size 1Byte only.
- You can start selling your files now through your account and fix your price for each file and earn up to 80% for each file you sell.
- Minimum payout is $1.
- Payout via: Paypal, Perfect Money,Payeer, WebMoney, AdvCash, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum , Ethereum Classic , Payoneer and many more.
- Don't try to buy or download from self or use any proxies, we will not count that (Our system smart enough to detect such fraud).
- Files with no views/downloads will be removed 90 days after you've uploaded it. All other files will be saved for permanent (Unless you decide to delete them by self or).
- We count every successful 100% completed downloaded.
- Don't Delete your files gathered Money when you request payment.
- Don't Share your files in sites used software to extract the download link with out loading page(Jdownloader and mipony).
- DMCA Files : If your uploaded file is copyrighted and reported by the owner of the file, your file will be deleted permanently from our server but the collected earnings will not be affected.
- Pornography, nudity, sexual images and any kind offensive images or videos are prohibited. Copyrighted material are also strictly prohibited.
- Free user can used upt to 117 GB.
File-Upload |

DropGalaxy |
- Upload & Share Files to earn money upto $15 per 1000 downloads.
- Max paid downloads/last 24h 2 times from same IP address.
- Minimum payout is 10$
- Payments are made via PayPal, Payeer, WebMoney, Bitcoin, IndianBank, Paytm, GooglePay, UPI.
- Send payment inbetween 25th to 30th Date of Each Month.
- Pornography or any adult content is not allowed and will result in termination of your account.
- Downloads generated by visitors with an ad blocker are not credited.
- Images/Photos are not allowed.
- Bot Downloads are tracked, and verified while payout. If detected, Account will banned.
- Downloads are only counted after 100% Download. We don't accept downloads from proxy servers.
- Files with no views/downloads will be removed according to which type of your Account (xx)days after you've uploaded it. All other files with live downloads will be saved. (Unless you decide to delete them by self).
- Free user can used upt to 500 GB.
DropGalaxy |
UploadRoot |
- Upload & Share Files to earn money upto $16 per 1000 downloads.
- No popads or popunder ads. Only google ads, so users can download very easiley.
- Minimum payout is 10$ (increased depending on payout method).
- Payments are made via Paypal ($10 min) , Paytm - India($10 min), World Wide Bank Transfer, Indian Bank Transfer.
- Traffic generated using automated hits or manipulated traffic is not allowed. If we notice any fraudulent activity we have the rights to ban the account.
- Pornography, Movies, Music, Images or any copyright material or any adult content is not allowed and will result in termination of your account without pay.
- Files size should be 1MB+ to get rewarded.
- Downloads are only counted only after 100% Download and unique IP addresses.
- Free user can used upt to 98 GB.
UploadRoot |
Up-Load |
- Upload & Share Files to earn money upto $20 per 1000 downloads.
- works under a model called PPD (Pay-per-Download) that allows you to receive payment depending on the downloaded files you get.
- It also works under a model called PPS (Pay-per-sale) that allows you to receive payment depending on the sold files.
- Minimum payout is $5 (increased depending on payout method).
- Payments are made via Paypal,Payeer,Webmoney and Bitcoin,Ethereum,Litecoin,Bitcoincash. Also Payoneer (contact support).
- Payment Charges Will be deducted from user balance, if applicable.
- Traffic generated using automated hits or manipulated traffic is not allowed. If we notice any fraudulent activity we have the rights to ban the account.
- Files with no views/downloads will be removed 90 days after you've uploaded it. All other files will be saved for permanent (Unless you decide to delete them by self or reported as abused file).
- If You are upgraded to premium, your files will never be deleted (Unless you decide to delete them by self or reported as abused file).
- Child Pornography or any copyright material or any adult content or any violent content is Strictly prohibited and will result in termination of your account without pay.
- Downloads are only counted only after 100% Download.
- Free user can used upt to 49 GB.
Up-Load |
Mega4up |
- Upload & Share Files to earn money upto $20 per 1000 downloads.
- Earning 100% of completed downloads.
- You can start selling your files now through your account and fix your price for each file and earn up to 80% for each file you sell.
- Pornography, nudity, sexual images and any kind offensive images or videos are prohibited. Copyrighted material are also strictly prohibited.
- Mega4up aims to provide all internet users, without a necessity to register, to upload big files, store them or share them with their friends easily.
- While we encourage all our users to use the services as they want, without any hassle, we strictly require all uploaded content to be legal.
- Users must agree to comply with all laws which apply to their location, including copyright and trademark laws. Images, videos and files that violate copyrights or trademarks are not allowed.
- Payments are made via Paypal,Payeer,Webmoney and Bitcoin,Ethereum,Litecoin and many more.
- Free user can used upt to 183 GB.
Mega4up |

UploadShip |
- You'll earn up to $10.00 Fixed Rate for every total 1000 downloads of all files in your account.
- PPD Payout rates are per 1,000 downloads.
- We count 1 Download per IP every 24 hours.
- We count all legal VPN Downloads.
- [All files will count] - Files above 1 KB will count.
- Files should not contains any kind of Adult Contents.
- Files should not contains any kind of Harmful Contents.
- Files should not contains any kind of Viruses.
- Files should not contains any kind of Music /Series /Movies Contents.
- It should not be Hacked or Cracked Files.
- Free user can used upt to 2 TB.
UploadShip |
Rapidgator |
- Upload & Share Files to earn money upto $40 per 1000 downloads.
- Comfort for users. We offer 100 Kbit/sec free download speed. Unlimited premium download speed.
- Highest earnings among competitors. Just check rates and make sure.
- Free user can used upt to 4 TB.
Rapidgator |

Up-4Ever |
- Upload & Share Files to earn money upto $7 per 1000 downloads.
- Earning will be calcualted only after 100% of completed download.
- We provide you the most electronic bank widely used.
- Pornography, nudity, sexual images and any kind offensive images or videos are prohibited. Copyrighted material are also strictly prohibited.
- The site of the right to delete files infected with any type of virus, in order to ensure the safety of the users and in the interest of the functioning of the site normally.
- You will be disqualified and banned if you try to manipulate the results.( Auto Generate links, Exchange Downloads and any spam method )
- Dont Delete your files gathered Money when you request payment.
- Dont Share your files in sites used software to extract the download link with out loading page ( Jdownloader and mipony )
- Any copyrighted or adult material are not allowed in up-4ever
- We are checking all downloads before sending the payments.
- Free user can used upt to 120 GB.
Up-4Ever |

DailyUploads |
- Upload & Share Files to earn money upto $16 per 1000 downloads.
- Downloads are only counted only after 100% Download and unique IP addresses.
- Minimum payout is $25, and We pay on Request (10 Days After a Cashout Request).
- Payments are made via PayPal, Skrill, Webmoney,Bitcoin
- File size must be at least 1 MB in size to get rewarded.
- Removing of files with earnings deliberately will not be paid.
- Don't share your files in sites used software to extract the download link without loading page (Jdownloader and mipony).
- Traffic generated using automated hits or manipulated traffic is not allowed.
- Pornography, Movies, Music, Images or any copyright material or any adult content is not allowed and will result in termination of your account without pay.
- Free user can used upt to 250 GB.
DailyUploads |
UR-Files |
- Upload & Share Files to earn money upto $6 per 1000 downloads.
- Uploading service up to 4GB for each file.
- Steady servers with Unlimited Storage and network speed.
- Earn money from your files! (videos, songs, software, photos, drawings, articles and others).
- We pay for ADBLOCK traffic.
- Our ads: only banners and popup, we work directly with advertisers.
- Once you reach the minimum payout of 1 dollar you can withdraw earned money.
- Payments are made via PayPal, Payza, Webmoney, Skrill, Payoneer and Credit Cards.
- Downloads are counted up to 10 times every 24 hours per IP.
- We count completed and none completed downloads.
- Files will be never DELETED.
UR-Files |
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